Standing up for the little guy

There once was a country, a little country, well not even a country, not really. More of a territory. The little land was owned and operated by a variety of interests, not the least of which was a king. The king was not particularly oppressive but that didn’t matter. The people of the land worked hard to create a place of prosperity and consistently other people, from other lands interfered and caused them grief.

Now, it should be noted that the people of the land were not the ones who were there first. In fact, long before they showed up, other people occupied the place and they also had homes and gardens and a way of life. But, as is often the case, there were problems.

The new people had come to the land trying to find a place to live freely and in peace. They had been brutalized and oppressed in their native lands and the opportunity to create a country where they could speak freely and live without fear was very powerful. So they arrived with dreams and ideas and hopes. And they built something great where little had existed before. Eventually, there were problems with the original people and there were wars and disputes, but eventually there developed a peace. Times had changed, life had changed and a new way was the path to be followed.

Nobody, in the end, complained or tried to change the fates of those involved.

I am not an apologist for the state of Israel, but the fact is that in a way very similar to the manner in which the United States came about, the Israelis arrived in a primitive land, fought their war of independence and built a nation. Nobody, save for some oddly ignorant wackos, is suggesting that we, the USA, revert back to the aboriginal method of living of the folks who were here before the Mayflower arrived. Heaven forbid! There would be no Bluetooth® enabled cell phones. What would we do?!?

Yet that is exactly what people have suggested that Israel do with regard to the Palestinians (I should note, the same people that think that it is perfectly cool to strap explosives to their daughters and make them human cruise missiles as in the photo above, nice eh? No prom for you, sis. Your fate is nested in heading for a shopping mall and wasting civilians on purpose). Well the Israelis tried it. They gave Gaza back and made it independent with a real international border. That’s what the rest of the world demanded. That is what the Arab world demanded. That is what everyone said would bring peace. Yassir Arafat said that giving land back would bring peace.

The Israelis, who actually live among the Palestinians, surrounded by people, like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the president of Iran and an individual who has openly called for the total annihilation of Israel, had other ideas. But the rest of the world suggested that the Israelis were just ignorant of the ‘real’, peaceable, intentions of the Arabs towards them. The Israelis, the perpetual recipients of the chagrin of the world, relented and gave back Gaza.

In return they have been bombed and rocketed by the people of Gaza. They have endured the assaults and kidnapping of their soldiers who were not in Gaza, but in Israel.

Let’s consider:

What would we do if the Canadians demanded Maine back?
What would we do if the Mexican army crossed into Laredo, kidnapped Americans and threatened to execute them in Mexico?

How would we react if the people of Ecuador were developing nuclear weapons and stated clearly that they intended to use them as soon as possible on targets in the United States? ( In the case of Venezuela and Bolivia, this might be a real concern.)

How long would the people of Bremerton, Washington stand by if the people of Vancouver were launching Katyusha rockets into their neighborhoods?

I want you to look at this map, courtesy of masada2000.org (look at their site, they have terrific maps, they are a little militant though so be prepared), which shows how big Israel actual is compared to the USA.

We have to face the reality that Israel is not an expeditionary power trying to take over real estate from the rest of the world. Israel was created after a serious civil war, exactly like our Revolution, and since then the ONLY thing that the Israelis have done is try to live in security while the rest of the world continuously demands that they give back everything that they fought for. Why doesn’t France give back Gaul to the Italians? Why doesn’t Jordan create a Palestinian state?

You really cannot write about this without coming off like an apologist for Israel…but then again, why shouldn’t we look out for Israel? When you get right down to it, why is everyone against them? Who do people hate them? Why does the Arab world, including the president of Iran, a guy with a master’s degree (presumably enough education not to be ignorant), say that the Holocaust is a fabrication? Did 250,000 Americans die fighting Germany over the ‘fabrication’ of the execution of 6 million Jews?

If you want to know how bizarre and widely held this notion is check out this Wikipedia entry:


It is the first time that I have ever seen a topic locked because of vandalism. This is very real. People, supposedly educated people, actually believe that 6,000,000 people were NOT executed and burned or buried by the Nazis. They vandalize the Wikipedia entry and laud Adolph Hitler.

The fact is, the reality is, that a country smaller than my battalion area of operations in Iraq (9,000 square miles, against Israel’s 8,000 square miles), with 13 million people, is facing 1.5 BILLION Muslims that include 300 million Arabs that seem to think that they, the Israelis, are the aggressors, the bullies and need to be not controlled, but oh my goodness, de ja vu, exterminated, and their country erased from the planet. Those of us who fail to consider the historical irony of this should be ashamed of ourselves.

The best thing any of us can do is allow Israel to do what it needs to do for its own security and tell the 300 million Arabs that hate them, that they would be wise to start reading some real history books and pay particular attention to the years 1967 and 1973. That is, if those 300 million Arab anti-Zionists themselves want to stay around to read any more books, fictitious or otherwise.

As a nation, the United States can ill-afford to continue to allow racists and bigots (read anti-zionist Arabs) to continue to voice their hatred without some response. We prosecute people in this country for “hate crimes” and we vilify people for “hate speech”. Why are we so late in going to the defense of 13 million people whose only crime is fleeing to the only forsaken piece of ground they could find to escape their own genocide at the hands of Europeans, and now, after working for 60 odd years to create the only Western democracy in the Middle East, face nut-jobs like the presidents of Iran and Syria who want to finish what Himmler couldn’t? Why are we not just lambasting these Hezbollah apologists when they spout hate speech on our airwaves? Have we learned nothing since 9/11?

Islam has one goal; the subversion of the world for the sake of Allah. That mission means no Israel and ultimately no Christians or Hindus or Buddists or anyone other than quivering Muslims cow-towing to turban clad Mullahs who claim to be the purveyors of Allah’s will through Fatwas.

“First they came for the Communists, but I was not a Communist so I did not speak out. Then they came for the Socialists and the Trade Unionists, but I was neither, so I did not speak out. Then they came for the Jews, but I was not a Jew so I did not speak out. And when they came for me, there was no one left to speak out for me.”

This quote is from the famous Christian, Nazi-resistor, Dietrich Bonhoeffer. He paid with his life for trying to do what was right.

Make no mistake. The events of our time are our nation’s test. What we do with respect toward Israel will determine what happens to us, the USA, for some time. If we fail to speak for the jews, and the Muslims annihilate them, their next target (I would argue that for some Muslims, the CURRENT target) will be Christians and let’s be clear, the largest population of Christians in the world is in the Americas. The idea of Katyusha rockets in Bremerton may not be too far from the mark, eh? This is no dark fantasy. Just ask the residents of Haifa.