A brief interlude to debunk what is inevitable

Last week two American soldiers, who were captured during an attack on their checkpoint, were recovered. Their bodies were found in a state described anaseptically as, "brutally tortured". The open-sourced read in on this, with a little effort on the web, is that both men had been beaten mercilessly, had their throats cut and then most likely had their faces mutilated to the point of being unrecognizeable. Thank goodness for DNA repositories, at least their families will have some closure.

The point of this is to address those who would suggest that it was our (read the USA's) fault that these men were treated the way that they were. There are any number of appologists out there, many of whom work in our congress, who think nothing of blaming the USA every time something heinous happens overseas and especially when anything goes wrong in Iraq. I suspect these mealy-mouthed morons are behind many of the security leaks in our government as well.

From one who knows to all who merely theorize and speculate let's get a couple of things straight;

1. Nothing that the USA does can justify any human being brutally torturing and executing another human being. We didn't justify our actions at Mi Lai because the Viet Cong had killed a bunch of US soldiers, so we ought not justify it in our enemies. If Haditha an Abu Ghraib have any merit, we still don't justify our actions toward other human beings when they are heinous, no matter what the provocation.

2. True warriors, when forced to kill people, do it with solemn sadness that their job forced them to take a life. They don't relish it, they live with the dreams for a lifetime and they certainly don't dance a jig on the heads of those who they kill.

3. Psychopathic nutjobs, cut people's throats, mutilate them and then call the videographers over to record it all for the web. Did I make that clear? The people that killed poor Kristian Menchaca and Thomas Tucker are psychotic homicidal maniacs. Pure and simple. They are deranged murderers who get off on blood and lest we be too ignorant, they represent the face of a small but scary minority of militant Muslims who would love to do exactly the same thing to any American that they could get their hands on, period.

4. Wars are about bad stuff happening. The United States takes greater care in trying to limit collateral damage and killing of people in combat than any other nation that actually goes to war. Whimpish European nations that show up but run from fights don't count in this, you actually have to intend to fight if you are going to get credit for try not to hurt innocents.

Don't buy into anything that blames unarmed soldiers or kidnapped Israeli's for their own brutal torture and public executions. Honorable enemies would have disarmed them, held them and released them after a time or simply killed them with a single gunshot to the head. Proper exchange of the remains would at least indicate some sense of humanity and dignity for warriors.

These wacks are not warriors, they are pathetic little cowards who blow up civilians trying to find work, kill children when the situation suits them and who need to be hunted down and dispatched for the sake of the safety of all humanity. Any American who suggests otherwise needs to be considered for charges of treason or better yet, dropped off alone in South Baghdad or Baquba so that they can try their hand at peaceful negotiations so that we can all just "get along".

God bless the families of Kristian Menchaca and Thomas Tucker, may those boys find peace in eternal rest and God grant us American Warriors the skills to find their murderers and arrange for their quick exit from this earth.


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